LIVESTREAM Praxical Science Workshops – For Teachers
For National Science Week this year, Praxical will be producing a series of workshops where you will get the opportunity to engage in the scientific data and skills used by leading research organisations to understand the world around us.
Praxical is collaborating with Australia's leading research organisations, so that in our workshops you will get to work on real data and to solve real problems. These organisations include ANSTO, the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, and the Australian Centre for Astrobiology.
The workshops will be accompanied by “Zoom a scientist” sessions so you can meet the researchers behind the data. These sessions will allow you to talk with scientists, asking questions about the workshop, their career choice or how to get more involved in the science.
These works are syllabus directed and are perfect for students in year 9 and 10. Each workshop is compartmentalised into four stand-alone modules, with each module building on previous skills and content. Students will use Project-Based Learning (PBL) to experience first-hand the rigour of the scientific process, analysing their own data and creating their own scientific conclusions by engaging in the scientific method. These PBL workshops create meaningful and authentic learning opportunities with high challenge and high support.
The Workshops
Monitoring our Air Pollution – ANSTO
What can air pollution data tell us about the world around us? This workshop will give you the opportunity to explore 30 years of ANSTO fine particle pollution data, to find trends and links to real world events. Follow the data to see how local pollution can have a global impact!
Register for Monitoring our Air Pollution
Conserving Native Species – Department of Planning, Industry and Environment
How do ecologists decide what bushland to protect? In this workshop, you will use the tools ecologists use to model the different environmental characteristics that contribute to selecting the best habitat for endangered species conservation.
Focusing on the endangered Regent Honeyeater, this workshop will let you explore the ecological issues relevant to the protection and management of ecosystems.
Register for Conserving Native Species
Exploring Habitable Worlds – Australian Centre for Astrobiology
What do scientists look for when trying to find other planets suitable for life? In this workshop, learn what makes a planet habitable by using a JPL planet simulator to explore how planet and star characteristics affect planetary conditions. Use the same data scientists use to study planets in other solar systems, to learn how they search for potential habitable worlds!
Register for Exploring Habitable Worlds
This initiative is supported by Inspiring Australia as part of National Science Week